23 Desember 2009

twins and sixth?

i wanna tell about my dogs.. i mean it DOGS.. with "S"
because i have eleven in my house right now, and i wanna some help to get the newborn puppies a new home :D

first we meet fluffy.. isn't she beautiful?
fyi, she's the mother of six adorable puppies..

here is the twins.. i named it angel and baby.. :D

and this is my cute bailey the pomeranian :D

last but not least. this is shooter..
he is my first dog, and i had him since i'm in elementary school and now i'm on a college.. and he is the father of the six puppies..

3 komentar:

MDS mengatakan...

wowh lucu!!!! ini golden ya yg ngelahirin? koq bisa ada warna item gitu?aiiih dibanding sama anak doggy gw gede2 yah puppies na xD

Anonim mengatakan...

aih lucuuu kak *o*

alexandra mengatakan...

kan golden nya campur sama yang coklat itu..
jadi bukan pure golden..
ada yanng maw?