26 September 2009

i got an award!!

this is the first time i got an award!! i'm so excited 'bout it.. thank you sooo much ayuu!! and as the rules say...

Yang musti dilakuin :
1. Banner Award tidak boleh di ubah, baik tulisan ,warna, dan signaturenya. Tapi kalau resize gambar boleh.
2. Tuliskan siapa yang ngasih Award dan urlnya.
3.Pilih 10 female blogger yang kamu kenal dan belum nerima Award ini,dan sebutkan alasan kenapa kamu pikir dia layak dapetin Award ini.

Gw tag award ini untuk...

25 September 2009

the rain pour down just like my tears go down...

now i'm thinking about moving on.. but there is a feeling that i couldn't just easily remove or forgot it.. the feeling of thinking 'was he be faithful to me all this time?'...

since we broke up yesterday, while we're on the phone, he told me about his meeting with his ex-gf and also he text messaging with his new friend(girl) since 2 days ago..

and why he did that? why he didn't tell me before, why he keep it a secret, and why i keep asking to myself 'was he be faithful to me all this time?'
maybe, that will be a secret that just him will know the truth and the answer..

but anyway, thanks for all the joy and all the ridiculous things that we had fun together.. :D

such a cry baby

after a quite long relationship that we had share for 6 months, we decided to separate and go on our own path.. i think our relationship recently has no sparks, no chemistry and no curiousity.. i couldn't figure out why it happen to us..

but, now i realize that i already choose to turn left and he will not follow.. i choose my own path, my own life that i will continue without him on my side.. the feeling of losing really painful..

Say that you love me
Say im the one
Don't kiss and hug me and then try to run
I don't do drama
My tears don't fall fast
I want a love that will last

i want a love that will last...

first time i saw him, i see another me in a male version.. it's kinda funny when you flashing back to how we met memory.. i saw him while i'm standing beside my bf(ex-bf).. but, the more i get to know him, the more i be with him.. i start to realize that he is not me, he is the opposite of me, and he couldn't be with me when i need him so badly..

and now i'm sitting in front of my laptop.. just to wrote this flashing back memory that came to me.. hope that i and him will find anotherlove that last forever....

I'm so afraid to love you, but more afraid to loose
Clinging to a past that doesn't let me choose
Once there was a darkness, deep and endless night
You gave me everything you had, oh you gave me light

but I will remember you
Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories

24 September 2009

i will be blessed & ordinary miracle

i dunno why since yesterday i will be blessed by lisa ekdahl and ordinary miracle by sarah mclachlan couldn't stop ringing in my head.. btw, i think you should also hear the song.. it really soothing and also a nice song..


lil bit of this and that

click here to join and also follow the rules before oct 4th!!

mischa barton's headband

one of seventh heaven's customer tag me a photo..
and guess what...that is a pic of mischa barton wearing a headband...

and the special thing is my edgy headband 2 is exactly the same with mischa's headband!!
bunch of thanks to AUDY CHONCHITA!! heart you so much for the info girl..
this is the caption on the photo by her : edgy head band yg d pake sm Mischa Barton ini persis kyk yg sista jual!! keren...

23 September 2009

blog or store??

here i am.. sitting in front of my laptop.. hohohoooo... while i'm also taking care of my lovely store SEVENTH HEAVEN..

kayanya lama2 blog gw bakal jadi toko online bwat promosiin seventh heaven deh.. abisnya udah beberapa postingan gw cuma ttg barang2 yang lagi gw jual.. sebenernya sih maw posting lagi soal my DIY headband and necklace yang maw gw jual.. heheheeee...

anyone interested??

just inform me if you intereseted in one of my creation.. happy shopping people!! :D

btw, alice is the model for my creation and also for other things that i sell at seventh heaven.. heheheee... i couldn't find another model and i couldn't find a nice photographer for my stuff.. so, i'm the one who take this whole capturing picture thing.. :p

IDR 35.000

IDR 40.000

IDR 15.000

IDR 15.000

IDR 60.000


22 September 2009


IDR 85.000


IDR 75.000

21 September 2009

PV we're in love....

ceritanya gw sama cowo gw maw jalan2, cuma males yang jauh2 dari rumah gw.. akhirnya kita pun pergi ke pluit village.. jadi pluit village itu gantinya mega mall... ternyataaaa.... pluit village itu keren sekali tampak depannya.. hahhaaaa... ada jembatan melewati sungai *ato kali yah* hihhahhaaaa.... terus ada eskalator gtuh di teras2 depan, lantai 2 ada balkon bwat orang2 pada makan2 gtuh..

udah gtuh disitu banyak makanan2 enak menurut gw.. contohnya ada tako ichi, heavenly blush, yoghurt inc, thumb thumb bear masih banyak lagii sihh cuma males nulis.. terus ada pet shop tempat dulu gw beli shooter.. hiahahaaaa.... sekarang shooter udah jadi opa2 malah..

ohhh, pet shop nya bahkan jual pom, beagle puppies yang lucuu bgt, saint bernard, boxer, pitbull, dsb.. aaahhhh pengen bawa pulang semua rasanyaa.. ada husky juga yang baguuuusss bgt... aduuhh pengen..

ini gw juga foto thumb thumb bear tuhh es krim gtuh tapi kecil2 sama ditaro di palet bwat kaya orang ngelukis.. harganya cuma 10.000 dapet 5 es krim.. asik bgt kann? ada rasa oreo, bubble gum, blueberry, orange, strawberry yahhh sama semua rasa es krim yang laen lahh..
gara2 gw masih blom puas jalan2 di pv akhirnya besoknya gw ke pv lagi sama keluarga gw.. heheheee... and what me and alice wore yesterday....
and also our silly picture...
we also had some dinner at kafe betawi.. and this is it, mi kangkung and another ordinary ice tea..heheheeee....
such a long post.. hope you enjoy it people!

20 September 2009

friday night

hari jumat malem jalan2 ke senayan city sebenernya sih bwat ketemu opa dan oma sekaligus jalan2 bareng.. tapi berhubung cuma ke toko kue, toko kaset rohani, dsb yang gw ga gtuh suka.. jadi gw sama alice memutuskan untuk foto2 saja...

kaya foto2 di chewy junior bwat nunggu lemon tea kita dateng, foto2 di pondok pujian nunggu oma gw beli kaset rohani sampe foto2 di coffee bean gara2 saking bosennya duduk sampe foto ga penting pas kita di burger king...

ohh, btw alice juga pke bando bikinan gw.. gw suruh dy sekalian jadi model bando.. hahaaaaaaa

18 September 2009

we LOVE history!!

jadi abis pleno kemaren dari kampus gw sama temen2 yang laen pergi ke kota tua.. kita kesono pake 2 mobil salah satunya kan mobil gw.. terus pake acara gw kena tilang lagi gara2 ga liat ada marka jalan jadi gw maen pindah jalur aja.. hiaaahh... trus polisinya dikasih 20.000 aja biar bisa lolos..

terus kita kesono sama cowo gw juga yang bertugas jadi tukang foto.. hahaaa... ceritanya tuh pada maw ke kota tua supaya bisa ada kenangan dulu gtuh sebelom pada mudik hari ini sama kemaren sore..

terus di blog maw gw upload beberapa foto2 kita kemaren.. take a look at it people...

12 September 2009

DIY madness..

anyone interested??